It has been awhile!
I never dropped in after Spring Break.
I was so in need of a break. Prior to the break I thought I was on the ball and handling nursing school very well. But as soon as I relaxed I realized I was super stressed out and spread too thin. Luckily, the week before the break was the worse and it has not gotten that bad since then.

I have been unhappy though. It is hard for me to be away from my family and incapable of contributing more to my household in a hands on way. I have tried to take comfort in the fact that I am making a huge difference in my families life by completing college. Not only will I pull us out of poverty but my kids will be more likely to complete college themselves.

But it still hurts having to step back and focus here when my heart would love to be focusing there.
I cannot wait for the next couple weeks to pass so I can be with my family most of the time.
Till then I hope I can muster up the concentration needed to end the semester successfully.

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Thanks for stopping by!! Here you will find my ramblings on daily life, issues of importance to me and my activities in the digital scrapbooking community. I hope to enhance my craftiness throughtout the year and share my progress with you.

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